Coloring pictures: Color yourself calm

Coloring pictures – not only for children!

Coloring pictures is a good old childhood memory. But some day we stop using colored pencils and switch to little
scribbles on the computer or while telephoning.

But the trend these days is towards colored pencils and coloring books again – especially for grown ups!
Relaxation for grown ups means taking a colored pencil and filling in the blank spaces between the black outlines.

Absolute trend and bestseller on Amazon

Various reviews praise the calming effect of coloring pictures.
This enormous success makes pencil manufacturers struggle to keep up with such an increasing demand.
Profit from this trend and give away › colored pencils with individual print on the etui.

Coloring pictures for your spare time or meditation

The results are relaxation, giving space to creativity and haptic experience with paper and pencil. An experience a lot of people miss in a more and more digital minded environment!

There is a simple reason for the success of coloring books:

Being creative – without the stress of »too much creativity«.

Starting to draw something from scratch can be quite frustrating for less skilled illustrators: the result doesn’t meet the personal expectations, one has to start from the beginning because of different mistakes and the like.

Getting involved with coloring pictures puts less pressure on the illustrating person. You just have to concentrate on the artistic process by choosing colors and possibly reach a meditative condition.

Popular motifs for coloring pictures

The internet offers a wide range of coloring pictures for grown ups. Quite popular are animal motifs, vehicles or mandalas and floral patterns.