Browse through all our packagings on our › packaging overview page
Turn your »promotional item« into something special – with individual packagings that are more than a protective box
Packagings are more than a protective shell – they complete your present and make it more attractive! Crystal clear or elegant, with single color imprint or all-over. Our large selection of packagings offers the right solution for almost any occasion.
Product information & printing areas
Product description
› Art. 8011 - The packagaing with side effects
› Art. 8053 - Slide-in case made of recycled cardboard
› Art. 8013 – bookmark packaging for pencil with eraser pencil topper
Data sheet bookmark and plug-in card
› bookmark packaging – The packaging with side effects
Further information about our products together with proofs and printing areas for our packagings can be found in the › download-section
examples, how a packaging can upgrade/enhance your promotional gift,
can be found in our › gallery
You would like to use one of our packagings as your promotional product, but you have no idea how that could look like? We are happy to send you an individual design proposal. Just use our › Free Graphic-Service:
1. choose packaging: choose your packaging.
2. send data: send us your desired motif and your desired text.
3. receive a free design: our graphics team creates a free proof for you (normally you will receive the proof the same day).